An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
Secondary Teaching Assistants
Full Time Probationary
ASSIGNMENT: Troy Community School
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 2022
REQUIREMENTS: Valid New York State Certification
The Alternative program is looking for highly motivated Teaching Assistants to help lead our community of at risk students. Teaching Assistants should be passionate about students who are historically underserved and feel disenfranchised from a traditional school model. Candidates should excel at building trust and promoting positive relationships with young people in difficult situations. We are seeking individuals who are driven by a core purpose focused on preparing students placed at risk to be successful for life.
SALARY: Step salary based on experience and TTA Contract
CLOSING DATE: Posting will remain open until position has been filled.
All instructional applications will be accepted through OLAS only
In accordance with SAVE Legislation fingerprint supported criminal background check required for selected applicant. Consideration given to candidates willing to participate in extra-curricula activities; such as advising and/or coaching.
The Troy City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, disability or marital status in employment or any of the educational programs and activities that it offers or operates. We seek and encourage an ethnically and culturally diverse pool of candidates to seek employment with the District when job openings occur.