Advanced manufacturing instructor
Location: Blackstone Valley Education Hub, Linwood Mill, Northbridge, MA 01588
Terms of Employment:
Employer Description
The Central Massachusetts Center for Business and Enterprise (Blackstone Valley EdHub) is the Non-Profit and Business Development arm of the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce (BVCC) established in 2018. The Education Hub holds training courses and educational workshops for businesses and local public schools to utilize our Fab Lab and machine shop, which are filled with 3D printers, a 22-seat computer lab, TRAK CNC mills and lathes, Bridgeport mills, Universal Collaborative robots, and Miller Augmented Reality welders.
Our goal is to meet the workforce needs of our region by enhancing educational opportunities for all ages. Our curriculums are developed in collaboration with local schools in order to meet employment needs.
The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce (BVCC) is a not-for-profit, community-based organization whose mission is “to promote the economic vitality of the Blackstone Valley, meet the needs of the business community while providing leadership on issues which impact the economy and quality of life in Central MA.”
BVCC is a leader in the region for economic & workforce development and encourages and facilitates the establishment of partnerships between business, government & community; seeks out legislative support & advocacy for regional business initiatives; & serves as a resource for goods & services for business. The EdHub aligns with these partnerships and goals by training individuals who are placed for employment in our region.
Bonus/Commission: No